The A2VGA (Pico IIc/IIe) is a video card that reads Apple IIc/IIe serial video signals and translates those into the VGA format. The difference with this card is that it attempts to preserve the unique Apple II look of analog and artifact colour that is so entwined in how the Apple II was designed and how it was displayed on the technology of the day ie CRT monitors/televisions.
I still use CRT monitors when using my Apple IIs. However, I know that this is not going to last forever. With their bulky size and the worry of breaking something every time I transport them, I wanted to find an alternate solution. I couldn't find a product with the video output that I was after, so I built my own. I've been tinkering with colour models and Apple II video for years and I have tried various cheap options with mixed results. After playing around with the Pi Pico I instantly saw its potential for it being a great fit for this solution. I couldn't resist trying it out and I'm extremely happy with the results.
The other motivation came from the Apple IIc model. On this side of the world, we received Apple IIcs (PAL) which did not come with colour output via the RCA connector. To get colour out you need a special adapter which fits into the IIc video port. These are not easy to come by. So, having an inexpensive colour solution for the IIc is greatly sought after. I'm happy to be finally helping fulfil that need. These cards allow me to cover the IIc and IIe models that I have. The IIgs is a different kettle of fish. It will require something totally different but that's a story for a future project.

Here is a screen shot comparing the currently supported colour models (HGR and DHGR). For more information please see details in the user manual.https://docs.google.com/open?id=1qFpSw4YKwObCCJ-Tfzo8wFwJZxIsIUu5
I would like to thank all those involved in helping out with this project, be it with advice on logo design, supplying equipment for me to test on / allowing me to compare competing products or with testing the final solution and helping improve it.
At the moment the cards are only available via the "Lukazi's Loot" website https://lukazisloot.blogspot.com/. The IIe version will be available shortly. As a late addition, it requires a PCB change (selection of signals for the 80COL/AN3 colour killer option).
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